Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Heaven And Hell aka My first time shooting a rave

Before I go into any detail of the pics, these would not have been possible if it weren't for the following people. Aaron for getting me in contact with Bobby Reyes to shoot the event, And my boy Calvin for letting me borrow his 550ex II speedlite.(click on their names to view their work)

Now as many of you know I shoot a lot of rock/hardcore shows so im pretty familiar with shooting live events. So I thought at first it would be pretty easy to shoot this event. Once I got there it was a totally different story. When shooting a show there's never this many damn people! lol! Lotta energy from the crowdy, music is way louder, and a few more obstacles to work through. So the night was filled with lots of trial and error. Overall it was a great experience and I hope the staff likes my work enough to let me show a lot of up and coming events in the San Diego area. Enjoy the pics!!! 

Props to Dada Life, DJ Cowboy Mike, Joachim Garraud , Wolfgang Gartner , and Fedde Le Grand for putting on an awesome show!

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