Saturday, January 14, 2012

NY Is killing me...

Trying to make a trip in the spring....4 day trip sounds good to me? Yeah that'll work :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

That time of the year again....

Where I'm missing the fuck out of San Francisco....WTF? I was just there like 2 months ago? lol -_- If the industry was better up there as far as fashion models go, shit, for models in general I'd probably move up there for a year. Definitely not enough variety up there though. Lame.

***Funny sheit, as I'm in the process of posting this the homie calls me to tells me he's in SF right now screwing around haha.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NYE+What I'll Be Working On

Wow, so I never got around to post NYE photos. Well it was ATB+Manufactured Superstars, great dj's both cool as shit! Problem was a small ass club, wayyy overcrowded and the lighting sucked. I didn't really get that many good pics but it was a fun night indeed.

As far as what I've been up to(for those who read this and/or care about my life lol) I finally got onto the waiting list for the photography 100 class at city college. Before there were hella ppl signed up for it and I was going to have to crash, I should be able to get in now cause I'm sure the day off plenty of more people will drop it. I know how to shoot 35mm obviously BUT I have no clue how to develop it, use a dark room, etc etc. So I'm taking this class to learn more about how film really works, learn how to process, get even better, network, etc etc. Also, I was able to print out my portfolio So most likely next week or the week after I'll head to the 2 main agencies in San Diego(No ties management/Zarzar models) to show them my work. Honestly......if they dont let me test with their new faces I'm going to be pisssssseedddd. I don't think I'm hot shit or anything but yo! My port is filled with TEAR SHEETS, I dont just shoot local, I'm getting even better at editorials, etc etc. So its like fuck man, give me a chance. Thats all I need once chance. Give me like 2 of your chicks, I'll hit up my Makeup Artist and a Stylist and its OVER :) So yeah I'm hoping they like my stuff. If not, then I'll be forced to drive up to L.A and deal with Agencies up there. I plan on doing that regardless BUT I'd really love to work with S.D. and L.A agencies, along with the 2 that I know in NYC. Speaking of NYC....nevermind I'll save all that for another post :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Golden Eagle Co. Swag

Damn, haven't updated this in FOREVER! In the process of printing out my portfolio in the next week or so to take my ass in person to talk to agencies about testing with new faces. Tired of shooting medicore/lame chicks so yeah that =no post. I'll update more later but about this shoot!

Photos are by Enrique  who's also the guy that brought us the H.A.M. behind the scenes video, the chinatown video andddd the Kate B Laguna Beach video. Golden Eagle has dope shit, scope them out!!!!